Reading List

These are the sources used throughout the blog. 

Alock, J. E. et al. A Textbook of Social Psychology. Second edition. Ontario: Brentice-Hall Canada Inc., 1991.

Colman, Andrew M. Oxford Dictionary of Psychology. Second edition. New York: Oxford University Press, 2006.

Dorling Kindesley Publishing Staff. The Psychology Book. New York: DK Publishing, 2012.

Hartley, Gregory and Maryann Karinch. I Can Read You Like a Book: How to Spot the Messages and Emotions People Are Really Sending with Their Body Language. Career Press, Incorporated, 2007.

Hogan, Kevin. The Secret Language of Business: How to Read Anyone in 3 Seconds or Less. New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2008

Horne, Terry and SImon Wootton. Teach Yourself: Training Your Brain. US edition. United States; The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2007.

Langton, Nancy et al. Organizational Behaviour: Concepts, Controversies, Applications. Fifth edition. Pearson Education Canada, 2009.

Pease, Allan and Barbara Pease. The Definitive Book of Body Language. New York: Random House, Inc., 2006.

Shepherd, Sandy. 101 Ways to Improve Your Memory. UK: Readers Digest Association, Limited, 2005.

Stalter, Harmony and Jeff Reed. Employee Body Language Revealed: How to Predict Behaviour in the Workplace by Reading and Understanding Body Language. Florida: Atlantic Publishing Company, 2010.

Reading the Reading List

I borrowed these books from the public library, but here are links if you would like to purchase your own hard copy.

A Textbook of Social Psychology
The Oxford Dictionary of Psychology
The Secret Language of Business: How to Read Anyone in 3 Seconds or Less
Organizational Behaviour: Concepts, Controversies, Applications.
I Can Read You Like a Book
Employee Body Language Revealed
The Definitive Book of Body Language
Teach Yourself: Training Your Brain
The Psychology Book

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