Friday, February 24, 2012

Employee Body Language Revealed: Hands

Employee Body Language Revealed
Chapter Four Summary (Part 2)

Hands Put Together

Clasped Hands
attempts to remain dignified and calm 
courtesy to show you're listening 

Clenched Hands 
placed high: very frustrated/annoyed
placed midway: slightly annoyed
placed low: feeling threatened 

Steepled Hands
placed high: confident
placed midway, hands lowered: listening, interested

Shaking Hands

strong, painful handshake
handshaker is is aggressive, may have poor social skills

wet handshake 
lack of commitment
self-conscious, nervous

one palm is higher than the other
dominating, controlling

stiff handshake
handshaker is aggressive, doesn't want to get near you 

close handshake (handshaker invades your space)
handshaker wants to be in control 

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