Saturday, February 18, 2012


Perception: An process of defining the environment via organization and interpretation of individualistic impressions.


  1. Perception of reality is the foundation of human behaviour
  2. The world gains significance through the way in which it is perceived.
Factors Influencing Perception
  1. The Perciever
    1. Observer
      1. Attitudes, motives, interests, experience, expectations
  2. The Target
    1. Person of interest
      1. Novelty, motion, sounds, size, background, proximity
  3. The Situation
    1. Time, work setting, social setting
Perceptual Error
  1. Attribution Theory
    1. Individuals observe atypical behaviour and consider whether this behaviour is due to internal or external reasoning
      1. Distinctiveness: high External, low → Internal
        1. Does the individual act the same way in other situations?
      2. Consensus: high →  External, low → Internal
        1. Does the individual act the same way as others in similar situations?
      3. Consistency: high internal, low External
        1. Does the individual always act in this manner?
    2. Fundamental Attribution Error
      1. underestimation of external/internal factor influences inaccurate generalization
        1. Oftentimes assumed to be internal factors
    3. Self-Serving Bias
      1. Tendency to assume that successes are caused by internal factors, failures due to external factors
        1. You are more to blame with failures than you realize
    4. Being aware of attributions provides for a more pleasant work atmosphere
  2. Selective Perception (Perceptual Error)
    1. Selective interpretation based on personal interests, background, experience, attitudes
      1. Your character does not reflect upon the individual
  3. Halo Effect (Perceptual Error)
    1. Uses one piece of knowledge to characterize an individual
  4. Contrast Effect
    1. When reactions to one individual are influenced by other individuals with whom you have recently interacted
      1. Comparison with people you have interacted with
  5. Projection
    1. Attributing one’s own characteristics to other individuals
  6. Stereotyping
    1. Judgments based on your perception of the person’s group
  7. Prejudice
    1. Dislike of a person/group based on the stereotyped group they are part of
      1. Lacks foundation
Importance of Perception, Judgment
  1. Self-fulfilling Prophecy
    1. Idea that people consistently behave according to the way they are viewed by the public.

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