Perception: An process of defining the environment via organization and interpretation of individualistic impressions.
- Perception of reality is the foundation of human behaviour
- The world gains significance through the way in which it is perceived.
- The Perciever
- Observer
- Attitudes, motives, interests, experience, expectations
- The Target
- Person of interest
- Novelty, motion, sounds, size, background, proximity
- The Situation
- Time, work setting, social setting
- Attribution Theory
- Individuals observe atypical behaviour and consider whether this behaviour is due to internal or external reasoning
- Distinctiveness: high → External, low → Internal
- Does the individual act the same way in other situations?
- Consensus: high → External, low → Internal
- Does the individual act the same way as others in similar situations?
- Consistency: high → internal, low → External
- Does the individual always act in this manner?
- Fundamental Attribution Error
- underestimation of external/internal factor influences → inaccurate generalization
- Oftentimes assumed to be internal factors
- Self-Serving Bias
- Tendency to assume that successes are caused by internal factors, failures due to external factors
- You are more to blame with failures than you realize
- Being aware of attributions provides for a more pleasant work atmosphere
- Selective Perception (Perceptual Error)
- Selective interpretation based on personal interests, background, experience, attitudes
- Your character does not reflect upon the individual
- Halo Effect (Perceptual Error)
- Uses one piece of knowledge to characterize an individual
- Contrast Effect
- When reactions to one individual are influenced by other individuals with whom you have recently interacted
- Comparison with people you have interacted with
- Projection
- Attributing one’s own characteristics to other individuals
- Stereotyping
- Judgments based on your perception of the person’s group
- Prejudice
- Dislike of a person/group based on the stereotyped group they are part of
- Lacks foundation
- Self-fulfilling Prophecy
- Idea that people consistently behave according to the way they are viewed by the public.
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